Pakistan Soccer in Turmoil, Both Off the Field and On [NYT]

Pakistan Soccer in Turmoil, Both Off the Field and On [NYT]

John Duerden writes for the New York Times about abysmal state of affairs in Pakistani football in whole of 2015

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Rapid rise of Indian Super League offers Pakistan a blueprint for change [theguardian]

"There is potential to emulate the star-studded competition grabbing global attention across the border but the bureaucrats are holding progress back" writes football writer John Duerden

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Overseas players need conducive environment to excel [DAWN]

If what Essa says is true, then there can be no question that those who give less than 100% should not be selected but when you look at the build-up to the Bangladesh match, a World Cup qualifier no less, then any player arriving a few days ahead of the match would shake their head at the chaotic preparations – and to be honest, the domestic-based players should have done the same.

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