On Sunday 5th August, three more teams were able to make it to last 16. 1- Victoria FC 0 –...
On Sunday 5th August, three more teams were able to make it to last 16. 1- Victoria FC 0 –...
Football lovers across Karachi will be happy and excited at the news that GSA is back with the 7th...
Baloch Youth 1-0 National Soccer. National Soccer Jrs finish 3rd. Karachi District Central administrator Nazir Lakhani chief guest.
Dr Shah praises Hamara Karachi Festival concept and organisation. Usmanabad Union beat Gulshan Soccer and Baloch Union beat Young Muslim.
Karachi United 0-5 KRL. Hamara Karachi 7-side football tournament announced.
Veteran winger M Hanif stars for Baloch Mujahid with 3 splendid assists in 3-0 win.
North Nazimabad Centre beat GSA 1-0, North Karachi Centre beats Old Golimar Centre 3-0. Ex-player Iftikhar Ali chief guest.
U14 event to include 6 KUFF youth centres and 4 academies. 4 venues to host games across Karachi
Al-Shabaz win 3-0 after Gulshan Soccer miss 3 chances to score in KUFL 2011-12