The Pakistan Football Federation (PFF) has announced the Disciplinary Committee as per Article 65 of the PFF statute.
The Committee would be comprised of Azeem Akram (Chairman), Muhammad Ali (Deputy Chairman), Malik Maqsood Ahmed (Member), and Zarak Zaman Khan (Member).
The Disciplinary Committee shall perform its duties independently, according to the PFF statute. The formation of an independent Disciplinary Committee is obligatory as per the PFF statute which also remains a key factor and steps towards holding free and fair PFF elections.
The Committee has jurisdiction with regard to disciplinary matters regarding the clubs’ disputes in light of the FIFA and PFF statute. The PFF legal department will assist the Disciplinary Committee in order to reach the matters pertaining to disciplinary measures in accordance with the laws of FIFA, AFC, and PFF.
The aggrieved shall have the right to appeal against the decision of the Disciplinary Committee.