Given the misinformation being circulated and false statements being made by certain persons especially via social media, the Pakistan Football Federation Normalisation Committee would like to state for the record that all previous Provincial Football Associations and all District Football Associations stand dissolved.
The PFF NC has appointed Provincial and Regional FA Normalisation Commitees and similarly District FA Normalisation Committees will also be appointed. These steps have and are being taken as per the mandate given by FIFA/AFC to the PFF NC and all these actions are backed and approved by FIFA and AFC. These measures have been taken, given the exceptional circumstances due to the impasse created in Pakistan football since 2015 and are aimed at facilitating a transparent election process.
Therefore the appointment of and all disciplinary and other measures taken by these provincial and regional NCs are legal and any suggestion to the contrary is false and actionable.
The PFF NC also takes strong exception to various individuals deliberately seeking to spread misinformation and create negative propaganda. Further the PFF NC has also taken strong exception to individuals holding themselves out as officials of PFF or of any dissolved PFA. Disciplinary action shall be taken against all such individuals.
The PFF NC has also ratified the decisions taken by the Punjab FA NC during its meeting held on Thursday.
Press Release from PFF Normalisation Committee