Mohsin Ali – The Nation
ISLAMABAD – Pakistan Football Federation (PFF) is keeping a mum on self-styled policies of Islamabad Football Association (IFA) which is doing everything to destroy the image of the federation.
The IFA is being run by Dr Fazalur Rehman, who has well passed third tenure and now in the middle of the fourth one, but he did nothing to promote soccer at local level rather he is busy in creating a number of hurdles in the way of football club, who opposed him and is more busy in minting money instead of focusing to improve standard of the leagues.
IFA president appoints blue-eyed persons to conduct different leagues and in the latest episode, the IFA surprisingly raised the entry fees of IFA A, B and C leagues to 200 to 300 percent. In a match of IFA B and C leagues, a person namely Ghulam Rasool, who is secretary of Quaid-e-Azam Football Club, was assigned to supervise the match between PTCL Youth and United Football Club, Model Town and Capital Football Club. The thing to mention here that this person doesn’t have any qualification to supervise matches but enjoying all the perks and privileges on the behest of IFA president.
The inside sources said that draws of the events were conducted in dubious fashion, as the organisers gave a number of favours to their clubs of liking and did whatever they could to prevent opposite clubs to excel and try to put them into relegation battle.
“The winners of the leagues were given an ordinary trophy with no cash prize, which is a grave dishonesty, as the huge amount was collected through entry fees besides sponsor money was not spent on deserving players, instead the huge amount landed into the pockets of the organisers,” the sources added.
It is pertinent to mention here that the IFA never bothered to audit their accounts since 2002. IFA, due to fear of accountability and fully aware of his wrongdoings, had not been calling its annual general body meeting since 2011. The IFA has also full backing of the PSB, which not only allowed him to run his private academy in the PSB premises but also allocated him an office inside the Jinnah Stadium. This academy was constituted way back in 2002 where around 250 kids have been training and Rs 800 are charged from every kid. Dr Fazal was banned for five years by PFF for financial embezzlements in National U-21 Football Championship in 2009, but no action was taken either by the PFF or PSB.
Dr Fazal sent a team to Germany in 2006 on fake documents and managed to get NOC from the PSB. Later when the inquiry was conducted, he put entire blame on persons who had nothing to do with the entire matter. He suspended two persons for their involvement for a period of 10 years, but got himself away without even any minor punishment.
The clubs, who raised voice against the injustice of IFA president in 2011, were disaffiliated by it and despite raising voice against the unjust action of the association, nothing was done and active clubs are still waiting for justice. But the IFA gave new clubs affiliation just to enhance their vote bank. Every affiliated club has one vote, but the IFA chief enjoys two votes for his Huma Club. The PFF is being hijacked by the IFA and it seems no one even the PFF chief is shy to take action against him and other office-bearers.
Different clubs have demanded the PSB and the PFF chief to take stern action against the IFA and appoint an ad-hoc on the association to run its affairs and to conduct fresh elections under impartial persons, so that genuine persons may take over and the IFA should be brought back on right track.
When this scribe contacted IFA chief to seek his point of view, he said: “We have not raised the fees as we have been charging Rs 3000 as entry fee and Rs 1000 as registration fee. We will soon audit our accounts. I accept that general council meeting was not conducted for a long time, but I assure the meeting will be conducted soon.”
When this scribe asked questions regarding allegations leveled on the IFA chief, he failed to give answers and disconnected the call.