The Karachi DFA Central administration got further embroiled in political turmoil over alleged interference by DFA West’s Abdul Malik Khan, dividing the DFA Central membership amid protests and accusations. As a result of failure to reach a compromise. DFA Central President Aqeel Tazeem Naqvi excused himself from the turmoil by taking a leave of absence on ‘personal’ grounds, and making secretary Asif Zaheer Hashmi as the new president in an emergency meeting without consultation from the Executive Committee.
However, this decision to make a new President did not go well with many DFA Central members. Senior Vice President Aqeel Ahmed Bilgirami submitted his resignation in protest while other vice presidents Saleem Patni and M Shamim, and members Hameed Ullah and Hosam uddin recorded their protests of Aqeel Tazeem Naqvi taking a leave and appointing a new president in his place. The protesting officials accused former DFA Central president Abdul Malik Khan for causing the current turmoil because of his immense influence among many position holders to make rulings and steps in his favour by ignoring the actual DFA Central members.
Previously 30 of the 43 affilliated football clubs of DFA Central were given co-opt member status and included in the administrative body without the approval of the general congress. Protesting members said that DFA Central’s situation has made a mockery of the PFF Constitution regarding the operation and conduct of a District FA. Also the decisions taken by District FA president without formal consultation and approval from the general congress makes them null and void. They urged that no person is legally allowed to take up the posts of President and Secretary at the same time.
Only recently Asif Zaheer had issued a notice to opposing football clubs in DFA Central about not paying their fees owed for last 3 years but the clubs had already paid their dues long back to be allowed to participate in the recent elections. Before that, each of the clubs had twice paid the Rs 500 PFF Club Registration fee to Asif Zaheer but no receipt confirming the payments was given to the clubs, while no audit for last 4 years was done on revenues and expenses of DFA Central.
The protesting members lodged an appeal to Sindh FA president Khadim Ali Shah, secretary Jan Muhammad, vice president SFA Fateh Muhammad Baloch to take action against the illegal and improper actions taken by DFA Central leadership to avoid harming the integrity of the association and football.