Lahore, July 27, 2011
Director Finance, Nadia Naqvi and Director Youth & Gross Root Level Mr. Sheikh Muhammad Siddique of Pakistan Football Federation (PFF) who have been associated with PFF for a long time and in their personal capacity had contributed a lot for the well being of PFF had requested the management to accept their resignation because of their personal engagements.
According to the press release issued here by PFF, Makhdoom Syed Faisal Saleh Hayat has expressed his gratitude at the time of farewell reception for their hard and honest work in bringing the federation in its age.
The president expressed his thanks to Director Youth for laying the foundation to bring the young players to the fore front which required his extreme dedication, honest and hard work. The president paid rich tribute to Director Finance for her able leadership in formulating and enforcing financial discipline. Her stay at PFF has left a deep mark of honesty, clear thinking for financial discipline.
Secretary PFF Col. ® Ahmed Yar Khan Lodhi expressed his deep thanks and felt pain in the departure of so highly dedicated and professional individuals. He expressed that it will take time to fill such a gape created by their departure. He wished and prayed for their well being in pursuit of their professional endeavors and wishes them all success.