By Footballer Promotion Wing, FPDC
FPDC on its Facebook Fanpage organized a competition for its fans where they could upload a picture of them playing football and get votes on the best picture to win a prize.
The real goal of FPDC is to promote Football and Footballers in Pakistan and this was just a small step in our journey which began in 2003 and will continue in the future.
The winner of the contest was Azeem Zafar Mir. We caught up with him and asked him a few questions about himself and Pakistani Football.
Competition Winner: Azeem Zafar Mir
FPDC: Hello Azeem, congratulations for winning the contest, tell us something about yourself.
Azeem Zafar Mir: Thank You, My name is Azeem Zafar Mir and I am currently doing C.A.T from SKANS. I was born in and raised in Gakkhar,Gujranwala but currently for educational purposes I reside in Lahore.
FPDC: Tell us something about your football career.
Azeem Zafar Mir: I have represented my school in Inter-school tournaments and I prefer to play as a RCM, but at the moment I am not part of any club but I intend to join a football club in Lahore very soon after my examinations are over. I am very passionate about football and I am watching this game since 4 years regularly. I have a very active page on FACEBOOK by the name of THE TRUE RED DEVILS and MASHALLAH to this date there are more than 26,000 members on my page.
FPDC: Your favourite team is?
Azeem Zafar Mir: Manchester United.
FPDC: Who is your favourite Pakistani Footballer?
Azeem Zafar Mir: Well Muhammad Essa and Zesh Rehman are great footballers and my favourites in the National Team Setup. I also like the game of my friend Shahbaz Phulpoto who is a very talented footballer.
FPDC: What steps do you think should be taken to promote Pakistani Football?
Azeem Zafar Mir: First of all the stakeholders and decision-makers have to pour a very strong foundation.We are lagging way behind everyone in terms of infrastructure and exposure so to promote Pakistani football the authorities have to take action. Talent is not an issue here there are many young boys who are passionate about this game and are willing to devote their lives to this game but since their is no infrastructure and we lose a lot of potential talent. I know it can’t happen overnight but if they get serious about it a lot can be done. FPDC is doing wonders for the development of the game in Pakistan and all my best wishes for all of you.
FPDC: Thank you Azeem, lovely talking to you mate :)